The Money Habits I Learned From My Parents—for Better or Worse
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The Money Habits I Learned From My Parents—for Better or Worse

We absorb our financial personalities from listening to, and watching, our parents. Sometimes they serve us well. Other times, not so much.

Sun, Jun 16, 2024 7:00amGrey Clock 4 min

My memory of when I first learned about stocks is fuzzy. I was in my early 20s, and my mother sat me down at our kitchen table, helped me open a brokerage account, and showed me how to buy and sell on the platform. The lesson I walked away with: Tread carefully, invest only “play money,” not money you need to survive, and only target companies that sell resources.

I also thought: This is too risky; I’ll never touch this account.

Years later, I still approach stocks with trepidation—no doubt coloured by that 30-minute conversation with my mom.

As I’ve talked to my family and friends, I realize that so much of what we know about personal finance—how we invest, how we spend—comes from our parents.

“We get our money personalities from our childhood,” says financial planner Angela Dorsey of Dorsey Wealth Management. “So if in our childhood there was a lot of hesitancy around it, then that shapes how you feel about money and taking calculated risks.”

Learning by watching

Sometimes, these lessons are learned through specific conversations, like the one I had with my mother. But more often than not, they come simply through observing. In fact, Dorsey says that many of her clients don’t have any money conversations with their parents. “It comes from seeing what happened to their parents, seeing what happened to their uncle,” she says. “A lot of times, they’re not even aware of it.”

But that lack of awareness comes with a price: When people don’t know where their money habits come from, they can often undermine good intentions. You may want to invest and spend wisely, but these unconscious, ingrained tendencies can create financial problems down the road. So it’s useful to uncover those unspoken lessons, and figure out which ones serve us well—and which ones don’t.

To expose those habits, Dorsey offers her clients a money-personality quiz, which can unveil attitudes about money developed from childhood. So I decided to take one. For good measure, I had my sister take it as well.

Both of us ended up falling into the “Bon vivant” pool—with traits like “Workaholics with long hours” and “Spends money on anything that saves them time.” Our issues? “Ad hoc investments,” “Panic with market ups and downs,” and “Confuse hobbies with investments.” (We both really felt that last one.)

Looking back, the traits that mark my financial personality are pretty much the same traits that my parents had. They worked long hours. They did give priority to spending on things that saved them time. They were happy to buy me new books or help me tackle a new hobby or skill. New clothes or makeup? Not so much.

Unlearning some lessons

Friends I spoke with mostly echoed what my sister and I experienced. While their parents might not have given them specific advice, they did influence their spending and budgeting tendencies just by being who they were.

“I didn’t get any money lessons from my parents, but I certainly picked up habits,” a former co-worker told me. “I saw my dad pack lunch every day for work, so I pack lunch every day for work now.” This friend was particularly thrifty in my years working with her, primarily using a debit card so as to not carry debt and eating her packed lunches as the rest of us spent $15 on salads and sandwiches.

She now has a credit card, but to this day she’d rather cobble together a lunch of office snacks than go out to buy lunch. “It has helped me in the long run because it keeps a baseline of healthy spending habits,” she says. She prefers meals out as a conscious choice for special occasions, rather than a standard practice.

Another friend watched how his parents, who were small-business owners, scrimped and saved at home. He summed up what he learned from that in three bullet points:

He says he is now trying to loosen up and feel comfortable spending some of his hard-earned money to improve his quality of life, especially as he has become more successful in his career.

This is a common lesson Dorsey says she teaches her clients to unlearn. “It’s really interesting how frequently I run into situations where they have enough, but when it comes time to spending, they’re terrified,” she says. “And so I have to tell them, ‘You have my permission to spend your money.’ ”

On the brink of burnout

For my part, I’ve certainly benefited from watching my parents’ work ethic over the years. Doing so gave me the drive to establish my own career goals. Seeing their productivity inspired my own. But in the past few years, I’ve found myself on the brink of burnout—both at work and with all my extracurricular activities.

That has led me to the realization that my work and personal lives could actually benefit more from me enjoying my weekends, and not always packing them full of events or extra work. I now know that it’s just as important to step back from things and take a moment to recharge as it is to charge ahead. And my wallet would certainly appreciate buying less crochet yarn and concert tickets.

Mostly, though, I’ve had to work to get over my stock-market fears. My mother sitting down to explain how the market works was more than what some of my friends learned from their parents. But while it was a well-intentioned lesson, it didn’t have the desired effect at the time.

As a more fully-formed adult, I began to rethink that conversation. And thanks to my colleagues and my friends, I’ve started to put money into something beyond a basic savings account. I began contributing to a Roth IRA after a friend explained the tax benefits. A former boss clued me into high-yield savings accounts. A colleague encouraged me to invest—but in more-diversified ways, such as ETFs.

And I finally logged into that brokerage account my mother helped me open. While I still veer toward the more risk-averse side, following my mother’s cautious footsteps, learning more on my own has allowed me to think of investing as a way to make my savings grow, not just a way to experiment with “play money.”

In the end, sometimes the most well-intentioned parental lessons backfire. One friend invested in specific mutual funds that his father recommended. But those mutual funds didn’t do well and started dropping in value. So when my friend was later eligible to contribute to his employer-sponsored retirement account, he chose not to—feeling burned by those earlier losses. Instead, he used his extra money to be able to live without a roommate.

While my friend eventually ended up contributing to a retirement plan, he says the earlier experience taught him that sometimes you just need to “reject the things your parents tell you to do.”


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Falling interest rates and recovering real wages will help drive a slight pickup in global economic growth this year and next, while recent falls in oil prices could aid the final push to tame inflation, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said Wednesday.

However, the Paris-based research body warned that “comparatively benign” projections may not come to pass, with uncertainties remaining about how large an impact high interest rates will have on demand in the months ahead, while an escalation of the conflicts in the Middle East could push oil prices sharply higher.

In its quarterly report on the economic outlook, the OECD said it now expects global output to increase by 3.2% in 2024 and again in 2025, having grown by 3.1% last year. That was a slight upgrade from the 3.1% growth it forecast in May, and a sizable revision from the 2.7% expansion it expected to see when it published forecasts at the end of 2023.

The U.S. is largely responsible for that better performance, but India and Brazil are also growing more rapidly than expected, as is the U.K. By contrast, Germany and Japan have disappointed, with the former now forecast to hover on the brink of stagnation this year, and the latter to experience a small contraction.

However, despite the improved outlook for growth, and inflation rates that the OECD expects to fall to central-bank targets by the end of next year, consumer confidence has yet to pick up significantly, which would give a further boost to growth.

The OECD said that persistent dissatisfaction with economic performance, which is not limited to the U.S., is likely linked to the fact that food prices remain well above their pre-pandemic levels.

“There is a disconnect between how the economy is perceived and how the economy is doing,” said Alvaro Pereira , the OECD’s chief economist. “For people who go to the supermarket, food prices relative to wages are still higher.”

In the U.S., the gap between food-price and wage inflation between the end of 2019 and the second quarter of this year was roughly four percentage points. But that gap was much wider in large European economies, and above 15 percentage points in Germany. In South Africa, it was above 20 points.

The recent fall in oil prices may help offset some of that dissatisfaction, and boost a global fight to tame inflation that appears to be in its final stages. The OECD estimated that the 10% decline since July would knock half a percentage point off the global rate of inflation, if it were to be sustained. But it is far from certain that it will be.

“If the conflict in the Middle East escalates, this will have an impact on energy prices,” Pereira said.

Should escalation be avoided, the OECD said further falls in oil prices could allow for a faster reduction in central-bank interest rates than it currently expects, and boost growth in countries that don’t produce oil.

With inflation rates set to fall further, the OECD said central banks should lower their key interest rates, but in a manner that is “carefully judged” to ensure price rises continue to slow. It expects the Federal Reserve’s key rate to fall by a further 1.5 percentage points by the end of 2025, while the European Central Bank’s key rate is forecast to fall by 1.25 percentage points.

The Paris-based body said the interest-rate rises that central banks announced in 2022 and 2023 to counter a surge in inflation continue to weigh on growth, although with diminishing force.

But it noted that many households and businesses continue to see the interest rates they pay rise as their debts mature and they enter into new contracts. The OECD estimated that almost a third of rich-country corporate debt is due to mature in 2026, with new debt issued to replace it likely paying a higher rate of interest.

The OECD left its forecast for U.S. growth in 2024 unchanged at 2.6%, and also retained its 4.9% projection for China. Pereira said the package of stimulus measures announced by the Chinese government Tuesday could lead to a “slight” upward revision when the OECD next releases growth forecasts in early December.


This stylish family home combines a classic palette and finishes with a flexible floorplan

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Just 55 minutes from Sydney, make this your creative getaway located in the majestic Hawkesbury region.

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