Metals Markets Steel For Price Rises As Australia Pushes To Save Cultural Sites
Kanebridge News
    HOUSE MEDIAN ASKING PRICES AND WEEKLY CHANGE     Sydney $1,613,207 (-0.60%)       Melbourne $969,484 (-0.54%)       Brisbane $991,125 (-0.15%)       Adelaide $906,278 (+1.12%)       Perth $892,773 (+0.03%)       Hobart $726,294 (-0.04%)       Darwin $657,141 (-1.18%)       Canberra $1,003,818 (-0.83%)       National $1,045,092 (-0.37%)                UNIT MEDIAN ASKING PRICES AND WEEKLY CHANGE     Sydney $754,460 (+0.43%)       Melbourne $495,941 (+0.11%)       Brisbane $587,365 (+0.63%)       Adelaide $442,425 (-2.43%)       Perth $461,417 (+0.53%)       Hobart $511,031 (+0.36%)       Darwin $373,250 (+2.98%)       Canberra $492,184 (-1.10%)       National $537,029 (+0.15%)                HOUSES FOR SALE AND WEEKLY CHANGE     Sydney 9,787 (-116)       Melbourne 14,236 (+55)       Brisbane 8,139 (+64)       Adelaide 2,166 (-18)       Perth 5,782 (+59)       Hobart 1,221 (+5)       Darwin 279 (+4)       Canberra 924 (+36)       National 42,534 (+89)                UNITS FOR SALE AND WEEKLY CHANGE     Sydney 8,638 (-81)       Melbourne 8,327 (-30)       Brisbane 1,728 (-19)       Adelaide 415 (+10)       Perth 1,444 (+2)       Hobart 201 (-10)       Darwin 392 (-7)       Canberra 1,004 (-14)       National 22,149 (-149)                HOUSE MEDIAN ASKING RENTS AND WEEKLY CHANGE     Sydney $820 (+$20)       Melbourne $620 ($0)       Brisbane $630 (-$5)       Adelaide $615 (+$5)       Perth $675 ($0)       Hobart $560 (+$10)       Darwin $700 ($0)       Canberra $680 ($0)       National $670 (+$4)                UNIT MEDIAN ASKING RENTS AND WEEKLY CHANGE     Sydney $750 ($0)       Melbourne $590 (-$5)       Brisbane $630 (+$5)       Adelaide $505 (-$5)       Perth $620 (-$10)       Hobart $460 (-$10)       Darwin $580 (+$20)       Canberra $550 ($0)       National $597 (-$)                HOUSES FOR RENT AND WEEKLY CHANGE     Sydney 6,197 (+313)       Melbourne 6,580 (-5)       Brisbane 4,403 (-85)       Adelaide 1,545 (-44)       Perth 2,951 (+71)       Hobart 398 (-13)       Darwin 97 (+4)       Canberra 643 (+11)       National 22,814 (+252)                UNITS FOR RENT AND WEEKLY CHANGE     Sydney 10,884 (-22)       Melbourne 6,312 (0)       Brisbane 2,285 (-54)       Adelaide 357 (-14)       Perth 783 (-14)       Hobart 129 (-14)       Darwin 132 (+6)       Canberra 831 (+15)       National 21,713 (-97)                HOUSE ANNUAL GROSS YIELDS AND TREND       Sydney 2.64% (↑)      Melbourne 3.33% (↑)        Brisbane 3.31% (↓)       Adelaide 3.53% (↓)       Perth 3.93% (↓)     Hobart 4.01% (↑)      Darwin 5.54% (↑)      Canberra 3.52% (↑)      National 3.34% (↑)             UNIT ANNUAL GROSS YIELDS AND TREND         Sydney 5.17% (↓)       Melbourne 6.19% (↓)     Brisbane 5.58% (↑)      Adelaide 5.94% (↑)        Perth 6.99% (↓)       Hobart 4.68% (↓)     Darwin 8.08% (↑)      Canberra 5.81% (↑)        National 5.78% (↓)            HOUSE RENTAL VACANCY RATES AND TREND       Sydney 0.8% (↑)      Melbourne 0.7% (↑)      Brisbane 0.7% (↑)      Adelaide 0.4% (↑)      Perth 0.4% (↑)      Hobart 0.9% (↑)      Darwin 0.8% (↑)      Canberra 1.0% (↑)      National 0.7% (↑)             UNIT RENTAL VACANCY RATES AND TREND       Sydney 0.9% (↑)      Melbourne 1.1% (↑)      Brisbane 1.0% (↑)      Adelaide 0.5% (↑)      Perth 0.5% (↑)      Hobart 1.4% (↑)      Darwin 1.7% (↑)      Canberra 1.4% (↑)      National 1.1% (↑)             AVERAGE DAYS TO SELL HOUSES AND TREND         Sydney 29.8 (↓)     Melbourne 31.7 (↑)      Brisbane 30.6 (↑)        Adelaide 25.2 (↓)       Perth 35.2 (↓)     Hobart 35.1 (↑)      Darwin 44.2 (↑)        Canberra 31.5 (↓)     National 32.9 (↑)             AVERAGE DAYS TO SELL UNITS AND TREND         Sydney 29.7 (↓)       Melbourne 30.5 (↓)     Brisbane 27.8 (↑)        Adelaide 22.8 (↓)     Perth 38.4 (↑)        Hobart 37.5 (↓)       Darwin 37.3 (↓)       Canberra 40.5 (↓)       National 33.1 (↓)           
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Metals Markets Steel For Price Rises As Australia Pushes To Save Cultural Sites

Delays to mining projects in Western Australia could push commodity prices higher and exacerbate shortages.

Wed, Dec 16, 2020 3:42amGrey Clock 3 min

SYDNEY—Rio Tinto PLC’s destruction of two ancient caves in Australia to expand an iron-ore mine could have ramifications for global commodity markets if local lawmakers intensify scrutiny of mining activities that threaten heritage sites.

Among the most controversial recommendations made by a federal-government inquiry into the destruction of the rock shelters at Juukan Gorge in Western Australia in May is a moratorium on expansions of existing mines or new pits that encroach on sites of cultural or historical significance. Even if lawmakers opt for a less hard-line approach, experts warn of potential delays to production and higher costs that could affect supply of key raw materials such as iron ore, used to make steel.

None of the recommendations handed down by the inquiry in its interim report on Wednesday are binding, but miners risk inflaming tensions with some investors who feel the industry needs to show greater sensitivity to environmental and cultural issues if they don’t accept them. They also face sensitive negotiations with indigenous groups that are the traditional owners of the land.

Metals prices have been rallying as China’s economy bounces back strongly and other major markets recover from the coronavirus crisis. Copper prices have risen to their highest level in almost eight years. Iron ore is one of the best-performing assets this year, fetching $150.75 a metric ton on Wednesday, its highest price since early 2013.

China’s unexpectedly strong appetite for these commodities has raised concerns over whether there’s enough supply, with many analysts predicting market deficits for iron ore and copper through at least the middle of next year.

Delays to mining projects in Western Australia, where companies dig up metals including copper and gold, could push commodity prices higher and exacerbate shortages already worsened by pandemic-driven disruptions to operations elsewhere. Iron ore is considered to be most at risk because Australia accounts for more than half of the world’s trade in the commodity by sea.

“This could be a watershed moment for the Western Australia mining industry and could impact Western Australia iron-ore production, and possibly other commodities, in 2021 and beyond,” Goldman Sachs said.

Already there are tensions between miners and some investors following the report into the loss of the Juukan caves, which contained a trove of artifacts that indicated they had been occupied by humans more than 46,000 years ago.

Fortescue Metals Ltd., the world’s fourth-largest iron-ore exporter by volume, rejected the idea of a voluntary moratorium on new heritage consents. “We do not believe that this is either a feasible or practical solution,” Elizabeth Gaines, Fortescue’s chief executive, said.

Fortescue said it had worked with indigenous groups to protect and avoid nearly 6,000 heritage sites threatened by its mining activities.

Miners must balance the need to replace the ore that they unearth with respecting the interests of indigenous groups. Fortescue pointed out that the iron-ore industry has been a pillar of Australia’s economy as it emerges from a first recession in 29 years.

“A moratorium would unnecessarily stall mining, infrastructure and other activities for an unknown and possibly extended period,” said Tania Constable, chief executive of Minerals Council of Australia, an industry group.

Still, many investors feel the industry needs to do more, and have pushed for leadership changes when standards fall short. Rio Tinto Chief Executive Jean-Sébastien Jacques and two other executives were ousted after several investors criticized the company’s initial response to the caves’ destruction because no one had been held accountable.

Hesta, an Australian pension fund for health-care workers, said it strongly supports the recommendation that companies with existing heritage approvals, known as Section 18 permissions, suspend related works until they can verify consent by traditional landowners.

“The inescapable findings of the inquiry are that Aboriginal heritage sites remain vulnerable to destruction,” said Debby Blakey, Hesta’s chief executive. “It would be unacceptable to investors that boards of mining companies are not actively and transparently seeking to understand their exposure to this risk.”

Kim Christie, an iron-ore analyst at Wood Mackenzie, said a near-term squeeze on commodities supply from Australia isn’t likely. The final report from the inquiry won’t be finalized until next year. Still, there is a risk of higher mining costs and delays to expansions or new mines later as miners sharpen their focus on heritage issues and consultation with traditional owners, she said.

“Certainly moving forward if there is going to be that greater level of tightness [in supply] it could support prices higher than we otherwise would have thought,” Ms Christie said.

Scrutiny will especially fall on Rio Tinto. A moratorium on new heritage consents could affect up to 12 projects that Rio Tinto has planned over the next five or so years to maintain its iron-ore production at current rates, Goldman Sachs said. That means there is a risk that Rio Tinto won’t ship 327 million tons of iron ore next year as the bank had earlier forecast.

Rio Tinto said it is reassessing its mining operations in places with identified heritage sites that could be affected over the coming two years.

“I think Rio Tinto would rather forgo a few tons than their reputation,” said Ms Christie, of Wood Mackenzie.


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Australia is in the midst of a baby recession with preliminary estimates showing the number of births in 2023 fell by more than four percent to the lowest level since 2006, according to KPMG. The consultancy firm says this reflects the impact of cost-of-living pressures on the feasibility of younger Australians starting a family.

KPMG estimates that 289,100 babies were born in 2023. This compares to 300,684 babies in 2022 and 309,996 in 2021, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). KPMG urban economist Terry Rawnsley said weak economic growth often leads to a reduced number of births. In 2023, ABS data shows gross domestic product (GDP) fell to 1.5 percent. Despite the population growing by 2.5 percent in 2023, GDP on a per capita basis went into negative territory, down one percent over the 12 months.

“Birth rates provide insight into long-term population growth as well as the current confidence of Australian families, said Mr Rawnsley. “We haven’t seen such a sharp drop in births in Australia since the period of economic stagflation in the 1970s, which coincided with the initial widespread adoption of the contraceptive pill.”

Mr Rawnsley said many Australian couples delayed starting a family while the pandemic played out in 2020. The number of births fell from 305,832 in 2019 to 294,369 in 2020. Then in 2021, strong employment and vast amounts of stimulus money, along with high household savings due to lockdowns, gave couples better financial means to have a baby. This led to a rebound in births.

However, the re-opening of the global economy in 2022 led to soaring inflation. By the start of 2023, the Australian consumer price index (CPI) had risen to its highest level since 1990 at 7.8 percent per annum. By that stage, the Reserve Bank had already commenced an aggressive rate-hiking strategy to fight inflation and had raised the cash rate every month between May and December 2022.

Five more rate hikes during 2023 put further pressure on couples with mortgages and put the brakes on family formation. “This combination of the pandemic and rapid economic changes explains the spike and subsequent sharp decline in birth rates we have observed over the past four years, Mr Rawnsley said.

The impact of high costs of living on couples’ decision to have a baby is highlighted in births data for the capital cities. KPMG estimates there were 60,860 births in Sydney in 2023, down 8.6 percent from 2019. There were 56,270 births in Melbourne, down 7.3 percent. In Perth, there were 25,020 births, down 6 percent, while in Brisbane there were 30,250 births, down 4.3 percent. Canberra was the only capital city where there was no fall in the number of births in 2023 compared to 2019.

“CPI growth in Canberra has been slightly subdued compared to that in other major cities, and the economic outlook has remained strong,” Mr Rawnsley said. This means families have not been hurting as much as those in other capital cities, and in turn, we’ve seen a stabilisation of births in the ACT.”   


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Just 55 minutes from Sydney, make this your creative getaway located in the majestic Hawkesbury region.

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