A Guide to Collaborating With ChatGPT for Work
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A Guide to Collaborating With ChatGPT for Work

Unlike with other tech tools, working with generative AI is closer to collaborating with humans

Thu, Apr 13, 2023 8:17amGrey Clock 5 min

Imagine what you could accomplish if you had a team of colleagues you could lean on whenever you had to tackle a task that wasn’t in your wheelhouse, or whenever you got stuck, or whenever you needed a piece of information that wasn’t at your fingertips. And imagine if those colleagues were available whenever you needed them—and replied instantly!

Well, those colleagues are now here, in the form of generative AIs that will be embedded into more of our work environment over the coming months and years. Give them prompts about what you want, and they will retrieve information, draft documents, create images or even write computer code.

As of now, AI collaborators are most readily accessible in the form of image-generation tools like MidJourney and DALL-E, text-generation tools like ChatGPT (which can produce everything from essays to data tables, and is especially powerful if you spring for access to the latest model, GPT-4), and Bing’s new chat-basedweb searching. (OpenAI’s GPT is the “large-language model” under the hood of both Bing and OpenAI’s ChatGPT.) Also, Microsoft and Google have both announced that generative AI will soon be embedded in tools like Google Docs, Microsoft Word, Teams and Google Meet, as it will be in many other products in the coming months and years. And generative AI is evolving so quickly that the capabilities of a given system may change from one week to the next.

I’ve helped organizations develop and use digital collaboration tools for more than 25 years, and have long used AI as part of my data-analysis work, but there’s something different about generative AI. Traditional search engines and word processors were tools, and a tool has to adapt to you. If you don’t like how it works, you have to choose a different tool.

But working with generative AI feels a lot more like working with another human. And you can only do your best work as a team if you adapt to one another, learning to make the most of your respective strengths, and to mitigate one another’s weaknesses.

Here’s how to get the best out of these new collegial relationships.

Imagine you’re working with a junior colleague

Start your work with AIs just the way you would start out working with somebody with less experience: Give them small assignments, get a feel for their strengths and limitations, and then gradually scale up. Start with something really low-stakes. My own explorations of GPT began with asking it to write silly poems and stories—a project with zero professional risk.

Figure out where you need help.

Once you’re ready to try your new collaborators on actual work assignments, think about where it is you could really use some support. What are the tasks you currently delegate to or rely on a colleague to deliver? What are the tasks you wish you had colleagues to help with?

For example, I would love to have an assistant who could reformat invoices to meet the requirements of our records-keeping system. Alas, I don’t have one. But I realized I could feed a table of data to GPT (along with one sample invoice), and get the info back as a series of identically structured invoices.

Get specific

Like a junior colleague, your AI collaborators benefit from getting really specific assignments and instructions: A prompt like “Help me think about my Acme presentation” would be too vague for a freshly hired human—and it is too vague for an AI, too. You’ll get better results with a prompt like, “Please outline the 5 key points for my Acme presentation, by combining this outline from my recent SmithCo presentation with the key insights in this page from Acme’s latest corporate report.” (Since there’s a limit on how long your prompts can be, you may need to paste this in over a couple of prompts, but you can tell an AI to “stand by” while you feed it information and then provide its answer when you finish your final input with a note like “Provide a draft now.”)

Provide feedback

As you start working together, give your AI colleagues feedback on how they are doing, just as you would a human. If you don’t get the results you want from your initial prompt, follow up with a comment like, “That was good, but make it shorter,” or “that is the right length, but incorporate a point about climate change, and write in a voice like the following example.”

Experiment with adding follow-up instructions until you get the results you want—but be aware that the next time you start a new chat session, ChatGPT will be learning your preferences from scratch. (Which is why it’s often more useful to resume a previous chat session by finding it in the session history ChatGPT displays in a sidebar.)

Treat AI like a nonjudgmental colleague

Sometimes I have a grab bag of ideas I can’t quite mash into a coherent article, or a charming turn of phrase I can’t bear to give up—or figure out how to use. So now I treat ChatGPT as a kind of creative sounding board: I’ll take a half-baked set of ideas and notes, and an unsuccessful or partial draft of an article or proposal, and say, “Rewrite this draft, incorporating the following ideas.” (You can also paste draft text into ChatGPT and ask it to correct or improve your writing.)

Seeing a draft instantly lets me think about what does or doesn’t work, and allows me to fine-tune and iterate multiple drafts over the course of minutes instead of days. It is like having a nonjudgmental colleague accelerate my writing process.

Get a reality check

You can also ask an AI colleague to let you know if you should give up on something. I recently spent the better part of an evening searching the web for some data that I just couldn’t find anywhere. Finally, it occurred to me to ask my Bing AI if it could find what I was looking for. After I asked for the data a few different ways, it told me that the data just didn’t exist. That saved me a lot of wasted time.

Be skeptical

I recently asked ChatGPT to create a spreadsheet for me with three columns of financial data. Within seconds, it spat out a perfectly formatted set of columns ready for me to copy into a spreadsheet for analysis. Just as I was about to hit copy-paste, though, it occurred to me to cross-check the financial figures. Sure enough, the numbers were completely invented: Because (unlike Bing Chat) ChatGPT wasn’t hooked up to a live internet feed, it didn’t actually have access to the data I wanted, so it just injected some random numbers instead.

Know when you need a human

To recognize the stages of work where your AI colleagues can be helpful, you also need to know when it is time for you to take over, or pass the baton to a human colleague. For all that AI helps me get my stories off the ground, it still can’t get me through the last mile like a human editor or my own eyes. I gave GPT-4 a half-dozen chances to edit my 1,727-word first draft of this article down to something like my 1,100-word assignment, but it just couldn’t get the feel for which elements were essential—or for what we could live without.


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“It’s already a major holiday season for us, and beyond that, we have the Olympics,” says Stéphane Personeni, general manager of the Lily of the Valley hotel in Saint Tropez. “People began booking early this year.”

Personeni’s hotel typically has no issues filling its rooms each summer—by May of each year, the luxury hotel typically finds itself completely booked out for the months of July and August. But this year, the 53-room hotel began filling up for summer reservations in February.

“We told our regular guests that everything—hotels, apartments, villas—are going to be hard to find this summer,” Personeni says. His neighbours around Saint Tropez say they’re similarly booked up.

As of March, the online marketplace Gens de Confiance (“Trusted People”), saw a 50% increase in reservations from Parisians seeking vacation rentals outside the capital during the Olympics.

Already, August is a popular vacation time for the French. With a minimum of five weeks of vacation mandated by law, many decide to take the entire month off, renting out villas in beachside destinations for longer periods.

But beyond the typical August travel, the Olympics are having a real impact, says Bertille Marchal, a spokesperson for Gens de Confiance.

“We’ve seen nearly three times more reservations for the dates of the Olympics than the following two weeks,” Marchal says. “The increase is definitely linked to the Olympic Games.”

Worried about the hordes of crowds and overall chaos the Olympics could bring, Parisians are fleeing the city in droves and inundating resort cities around the country.
Getty Images

According to the site, the most sought-out vacation destinations are Morbihan and Loire-Atlantique, a seaside region in the northwest; le Var, a coastal area within the southeast of France along the Côte d’Azur; and the island of Corsica in the Mediterranean.

Meanwhile, the Olympics haven’t necessarily been a boon to foreign tourism in the country. Many tourists who might have otherwise come to France are avoiding it this year in favour of other European capitals. In Paris, demand for stays at high-end hotels has collapsed, with bookings down 50% in July compared to last year, according to UMIH Prestige, which represents hotels charging at least €800 ($865) a night for rooms.

Earlier this year, high-end restaurants and concierges said the Olympics might even be an opportunity to score a hard-get-seat at the city’s fine dining.

In the Occitanie region in southwest France, the overall number of reservations this summer hasn’t changed much from last year, says Vincent Gare, president of the regional tourism committee there.

“But looking further at the numbers, we do see an increase in the clientele coming from the Paris region,” Gare told Le Figaro, noting that the increase in reservations has fallen directly on the dates of the Olympic games.

Michel Barré, a retiree living in Paris’s Le Marais neighbourhood, is one of those opting for the beach rather than the opening ceremony. In January, he booked a stay in Normandy for two weeks.

“Even though it’s a major European capital, Paris is still a small city—it’s a massive effort to host all of these events,” Barré says. “The Olympics are going to be a mess.”

More than anything, he just wants some calm after an event-filled summer in Paris, which just before the Olympics experienced the drama of a snap election called by Macron.

“It’s been a hectic summer here,” he says.

Hotels and holiday rentals in some of France’s most popular vacation destinations say they are expecting massive crowds this year in advance of the Olympics.
AFP via Getty Images

Parisians—Barré included—feel that the city, by over-catering to its tourists, is driving out many residents.

Parts of the Seine—usually one of the most popular summertime hangout spots —have been closed off for weeks as the city installs bleachers and Olympics signage. In certain neighbourhoods, residents will need to scan a QR code with police to access their own apartments. And from the Olympics to Sept. 8, Paris is nearly doubling the price of transit tickets from €2.15 to €4 per ride.

The city’s clear willingness to capitalise on its tourists has motivated some residents to do the same. In March, the number of active Airbnb listings in Paris reached an all-time high as hosts rushed to list their apartments. Listings grew 40% from the same time last year, according to the company.

With their regular clients taking off, Parisian restaurants and merchants are complaining that business is down.

“Are there any Parisians left in Paris?” Alaine Fontaine, president of the restaurant industry association, told the radio station Franceinfo on Sunday. “For the last three weeks, there haven’t been any here.”

Still, for all the talk of those leaving, there are plenty who have decided to stick around.

Jay Swanson, an American expat and YouTuber, can’t imagine leaving during the Olympics—he secured his tickets to see ping pong and volleyball last year. He’s also less concerned about the crowds and road closures than others, having just put together a series of videos explaining how to navigate Paris during the games.

“It’s been 100 years since the Games came to Paris; when else will we get a chance to host the world like this?” Swanson says. “So many Parisians are leaving and tourism is down, so not only will it be quiet but the only people left will be here for a party.”


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